Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Our Little Plumber

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Sprite or Not Sprite

I brought Billy a sippy cup of water tonight for bed. He started telling me all the drinks he likes.
Water, Milk, Orange Juice, Apple Juice, and Sprite.
Then he told me about the water in his cup. I told him it wasn't water it was Sprite.
He says, "No mommy, it's water, there aren't any bubbles. Sprite has bubbles."
What a smarty pants!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Our New Family Member

We have a new addition to our family; he is a 4 month old Sheltie named Shilo.
The kids are ecstatic! Instead of watching tv they chase the dog and take turns being the boss of the dog. We got her from our neighbors who are moving out this week and couldn't take him with them. He is really sweet and loves to jump in our laps and chew on care bears.
I guess we aren't having another baby anytime soon; he's our new baby!