Friday, October 24, 2008

The Squirrel

Billy came in and asked me today if I could go get what sounded like the pillow. I had him tell me a million times what he was trying to say but I just didn't understand him. 
I asked him if it was in the back yard and he said yes. So I named every toy back there.
Then I told him to go get it so I could see what he was talking about.
So I let him out back in the rain with no shoes and he carefully tip toed up to the squirrel 
that lives in our back yard. Then he came running back when it scampered away.
I realized he was saying "squirrel" not "pillow"!
I had to explain that I couldn't catch the squirrel and put him in the house because he was an animal.
He didn't like my answer and started crying and whining because I wouldn't go catch the squirrel
for him. It was quite cute.

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